Vintages - 2015 for Valle Reale

The year 2015 was a truly favourable year in terms of weather for all the vineyards of Valle Reale.
An adequately rainy spring turned into a hot and breezy summer that lasted until the end of August. The wind and altitude made it possible to limit the humidity that instead characterised the coastal zones during the hottest days.
As a result, the year was extremely positive in terms of production. This is also true thanks to the careful attention paid to the plants from the beginning of the year, with pruning that began late and burning of the vine shoots (typical of French cultivations) done to prevent diseases like peronospora, which was very aggressive in 2014, from leaving any traces.
The various phenological phases then occurred regularly, from the budding that began on April 15th in Capestrano and the 25th in Popoli, until the grape harvest, which began on September 7th in Capestrano and on the 10th in Popoli.

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